Ocean Discovery not only collects raw photogrammetry data, but has the capacity to reprocess the data into immersive graphical visualizations (CGI).
Underwater visibility is often limited to at best a few meters. With the help of 3D scanning, the water is removed digitally and the entire wreck becomes visible at once with a single image. To create a feeling of still being underwater but still get an overall picture, an underwater environment where you control the depth of view with rendered lighting can be recreated and the wreck site visualized in an effective way.Computer-generated images (CGI) have been produced for, among others, the Vrak-Museum of wrecks and Blekinge Museum.
Computer generated images from photogrammetry
Rendered and animated video
Image sequences and animations can be rendered to video. Computer-generated divers and remote-controlled robots can further emphasize a sense of scale and realism. Reconstructions where objects' function is visualized can also be created. Applications include visualizations for museums, the media and the film industry.
Rendered video from photogrammetry
Digital restoration
3D scanned models can be used as a starting point for digital restoration in 3D modeling programs. Damage, erosion and corrosion are digitally removed and a representation of what the object looked like when it was newly manufactured is created.